Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Teacher Training
Dani_in_Kenia, 16:55h
There are different types of teacher trainings organized by SU South Rift:
1. Orientation/ Training for the Bible Club teachers (several)
2. Training for SU voluntaries (3/ year)
3. Sunday School Teacher trainings organized by SU (3/ year)
4. Sunday School Teacher trainings organized by a church (several)
5. Specific Trainings organized by a sponsor (5) 
1. Orientation/ Training for the Bible Club teachers (several)
2. Training for SU voluntaries (3/ year)
3. Sunday School Teacher trainings organized by SU (3/ year)
4. Sunday School Teacher trainings organized by a church (several)
5. Specific Trainings organized by a sponsor (5)

Some times world vision is sponsoring teacher trainings for a special region. Then SU is making a three days program for pastors, Sunday School teachers, community leaders and/ or headteachers.
Through the ministry of SU many churches are changing their way of handling children and more and more children are attending the programmes at the different churches.
Through the ministry of SU many churches are changing their way of handling children and more and more children are attending the programmes at the different churches.

Click here for more pictures about teacher training