Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Camps for Children and Youth
Dani_in_Kenia, 17:02h
Most of the camps take place in the December holidays for a longer weekend (3 to 4 days) for children from Standard 4 till Form IV.

In most of the cases the location is a local boarding school and the school cooks are preparing the food for the children and youngsters. For a camp 50 to 60 children are invited. 10 to 12 teachers are responsible for the program, guidance of the pupils and for counselling.

The Program of a camp:
• Morning Devotionals
• Bible Lessons in different age groups
• In the afternoon: games and activities
• In the evenings: Christian movies and a talent night
• Morning Devotionals
• Bible Lessons in different age groups
• In the afternoon: games and activities
• In the evenings: Christian movies and a talent night

Scripture Union South Rift has five camps each year.

Click here for more pictures about camps