Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Foundation of the Beach Mission
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:08h
One year later Josia Spier spent his holidays at the beach at North Wales. When he was watching at the crowd of children at the beach he got an idea. He was asking them: “Who will assist me to write something in the sand?” Immediately many children were coming closer. They were exited to see what he would do.
Josiah took a stick and he was writing: “God is love”. After that we was asking the children to collect shells and stones and to fill in his letters. 
Josiah took a stick and he was writing: “God is love”. After that we was asking the children to collect shells and stones and to fill in his letters.

After they were finished, they looked at Josiah. And he started to tell them stories about God and how much he loves us while he was standing at the beach of Llandudno.
Till the end of his holidays he was preaching to the children every day. In the following year he came again and continued. That was the beginning of the Beach Ministry of Scripture Union. 
Till the end of his holidays he was preaching to the children every day. In the following year he came again and continued. That was the beginning of the Beach Ministry of Scripture Union.