Montag, 13. April 2015
Evangelistic Outreach at Olgilgei
On the 6th of March 2015 we went with a small team to Olgilgei. Robert was living here for six weeks while I was in Germany.

First we went to Tachasis Secondary School. We showed the pupils the Jesus movie and gave Gideon Bibles to them.

Then we showed the same movie to Standard 4 to 8 of the Tachasis Primary school. After the movie we gave them New Testaments also and a small booklet with Bible stories and riddles.

At the same time I went to Standard 1 to 3 and made a program for them. We were singing some songs and I told them a Bible Story and the story about “The Little Sparrow”.

Then we let Tachasis and went to Wei Primary School. The children and teachers were very exited about the Jesus movie and they were happy to receive the Bibles and riddle booklets.

From Tachasis we went to Cynningham Memorial Academy, that is a private primary school. Also here everybody were happy to see the Jesus Movie and to receive the Bibles and the small booklets.

Fast 3000 Schüler sahen an diesem Tag den Jesusfilm und bekamen Gideonbibeln. Bitte betet mit, dass der Same, den wir an diesem Tag ausstreuen durften, in den Herzen der Kinder aufgeht.

Among the children there were also some children from Muslim families. Please pray especially for those children that they will not get problems when they will come home and that the seed of the Gospel will grow in their hearts. Thanks a lot.

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