Samstag, 2. Mai 2015
Youth Talk at AIC Mwariki
On the 2nd of May 2015 we as Scripture Union got an invitation to a youth talk at AIC Mwariki. Simon, Joseph, Robert and I went there together.

AIC Mwariki were inviting youngsters from their district and 180 youngsters were coming from nine different churches.

After welcoming, every youth group from each church was introducing themselves by presenting a song.

Then there was a time of praise and worship leaded by different youngsters.

After a prayer Joseph was asked to come in front as the speaker of the day.

Very brief Joseph was introducing the ministry of Scripture Union Kenya and explained the reasons why we came.

The church had asked Joseph to speak about relationships, friends, drugs, media and sex.

Joseph explained the youngsters that we were created to have fellowship with others. Our parents get to know each other as man and woman and we are the results of their relationship.
As their child we have also a relationship to them and the Bible is teaching us to love and honour our parents.

Then Joseph spoke also about his own family. He was living and growing up with a single mother till he completed his education. That was not always easy for him.

He said that as a youngster he was always looking for having the rights friends and to be as good as much as possible at school. He was encouraging the youth to look for good friends who are able to support them and not teach them the wrong things.

Then he was warning them not to consume any kind of drug and that he should not choose friends who are still taking drugs. He spoke about the risks of drugs and the consequences about consuming them.

Also he said that there are other things you may become depended on, for example pornography… In the beginning you just look at some pictures… and then it is becoming more and more… and finally your view about sexuality is going to change. Joseph said that sexuality by itself it a very nice thing. But it belongs inside a marriage. But pornography is changing our view about sexuality and filling our minds with dirty thoughts.

He encouraged the youth to take care for themselves! And to take for the things there are dealing with. He explained the influences of media and that media may change our view: Small things might become big, and also big things might become small. He reminded us that God wants us to grow spiritually and therefore we shall take care for the things there are dealing with.

He quoted a famous Sunday School song: „Read your Bible, pray every day, if you want to grow…“ and he explained that this songs is really speaking the truth: If you want to grow spiritually, you have to read your Bible and to pray.

The friends around you are the ones to determine how much you can grow. The explained “friends” do not mean the long list of friends you might have in Facebook. Friends are people who are close to you and are willing to support and encourage you. He quoted: “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” A good friend is helping us to develop the gifts God has given us.

Then he was teaching them a song: „Everybody is somebody and nobody is a nobody!“ to encourage the youngsters that they have a value even when they feel lonely. God is there for us always.

After that he played with his words to change the subject: And if anybody is meeting a special somebody … the emotions may come … and you have to take care how to handle sexuality.

He said that it is absolutely the normal way to have a boyfriend as a girl and a girlfriend as a boy. But we have to respect our limits and sexuality belongs into the marriage.

By playing a game using chairs he explained that because of having sex there is an emotional link to your partner for the rest of your life. Even if you might have another relationship with someone else you are still emotional linked with the other one who you had sex with. And the network is increasing more and more the more you might have sex with others for the rest of your life.

Finally he was encouraging the youngster to think about their lives. He was reminding them on 1. John 1:9 that God is willing to forgive us our sins and that we can start fresh with Jesus at any time.

After he prayed, he asked the team of Scripture Union to come in front and he was introducing all of us.

Then I got the time to give testimony. I spoke about the life of my brother Thomas and I was warning the youngster to take and to consume any drugs. I explained very clearly that also the soft drugs might have a big influence and I was warning them very strictly.

I encouraged them even in bad times in their lives which seems to be without any sense to trust in God because he is stronger than anybody else and he has a very good plan for your life. I was quoting from Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Then I was singing a song with them: God will make a way, when there seems to me no way…

After my song there was a time of announcements and an invitation for taking lunch. Also us we took lunch. After eating we went home while the youngsters stayed there for a gifts competition.

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