Samstag, 15. August 2015
Mini-Bible-Club at “Trusted Hands Academy”
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:53h
“Trusted Hands Academy” is a private school in midst of Kiratina centre. A Pentecostal pastor and his wife were founding the school in 2006. The Sundayschool of their church is meeting inside the school.
The school includes a nursery school with 145 children and a primary school with 109 children from Standard 1 to 6 and 15 teachers.
Every Friday morning there is a prayer for the nursery children, pupils and teachers which is lead by the director’s wife.
Since the 26th of June 2015 I am teaching a Mini-Bible-Club for the pupils from Standard 1 to 3 from 1 to 2 p.m. The school is very well organized that we are really able to use these two times half an hour.
The school includes a nursery school with 145 children and a primary school with 109 children from Standard 1 to 6 and 15 teachers.
Every Friday morning there is a prayer for the nursery children, pupils and teachers which is lead by the director’s wife.
Since the 26th of June 2015 I am teaching a Mini-Bible-Club for the pupils from Standard 1 to 3 from 1 to 2 p.m. The school is very well organized that we are really able to use these two times half an hour.

The director of the school and his wife are very thankful about the ministry of Scripture Union in their school and also she wanted to be invited for our trainings. She was asking me for material for her Sundayschool. A few weeks ago I gave her some pictures for the illustration of the Bible lessons on a flash disk. Now she is using her laptop to show the pictures to the children while teaching Sundayschool. I am very happy about her. Glory to God.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Mini-Bible-Club at Trusted Hand Academy.
48 boys and 61 girls are attending the Club from Standard 1 to Standard 3.