Samstag, 15. August 2015
Bible-Club at Kianda Primary School
Kianda is a village on the countryside which is in the devision of Dondori. Kianda Primary School is on the neighbour plot of Wanyororo Primary School.

The Primary School was founded in 1993. It includes a nursery school with 33 children in three classes and a primary school with 560 pupils in 16 classes and 19 teachers.

Every Monday there is a teacher fellowship. For the students there was no spiritual program apart from CRE.

Since the 2nd of July 2015 I am coming on every Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. for Standard 6 and 7. Every week when I am coming the 127 pupils – 74 boys and 53 girls – are waiting for me under some trees on the school compound.

The head teacher gave me two teachers who are responsible for the Bible Club. Please pray that they are willing to be motivated to help me more and more with the Bible Club.

The pupils of Kianda like to sing a lot and they like to listen to my Bible teaching. Some are even caring their Gideon Bibles to the club and when I am quoting from the Bible they are following the verses in their own Bibles. I am very happy about that.

In July 2015 we came to the school to show the children the Jesus movie and gave Gideon Bibles to the children. Please pray that the pupils are reading their Bibles and start to believe in Jesus. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Kianda Primary School. 69 boys and 71 girls are attending the Club from Standard 6 and 7.

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