Samstag, 15. August 2015
Bible-Club at „Mikeu“ Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 19:05h
„Mikeu“ Primary School is in midst of the centre of Dundori. It was founded in 1957. It is one of the oldest schools in the devision of Dundori.

The school includes a nursery school with 68 children in two classes and a primary school with 939 pupils in 24 classes and 26 teachers.

Till now there was no Christian meeting apart from the CRE. But the headteacher is very interested to make a Bible Club for the children and also a fellowship for the teachers. Therefore he was inviting me to found a Bible Club in his school.

On the 30th of June 2015 I have started to come every Tuesday to Mikeu for two Bible Clubs. From 8:20 to 8:50 a.m. I am teaching a Bible Club for the 362 pupils from Standard 6 to 8 and from 8:50 to 9:20 a.m. I am teaching a Bible Club for the 267 pupils from Standard 4 and 5.

The head teacher said: „I am sorry I am not able to give you also Standard 1 to 3 because they don´t understand enough English and Kiswahili. You should have to teach in Kikuyu. But you are not able… but I am very happy that you are speaking to all others who are able to understand your English.”

Therefore now I am so happy that I can reach inside of one hour 629 children with the gospel every week!!! What a great opportunity!!!

The pupils of Standard 6 to 8 are very excited about God´s word. The younger ones are still excited that a white person is coming to teach them. Please pray that very soon they are able to accept me not longer as a visitor but as their teacher. That they will be able to listen to my teaching also. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the two Bible-Clubs at Mikeu Primary School. The first club is for the 189 boys and 180 girls from Standard 6 to 8 and the second Bible Club is for the 116 boys and 127 girls from Standard 4 and 5.