Dienstag, 18. August 2015
Bible Club at “Trusted Hands Academy”
“Trusted Hands Academy” is a private School in midst of Kiratina. The school includes a nursery school with 145 children and a primary school with Standard 1 to 8 with 109 children and 15 teachers.

Every Friday morning there is a fellowship for nursery children, pupils and teachers which is lead by the wife of the director.

Since the 26th of June 2015 I am teaching a Bible Club on every Friday afternoon for the 23 children from Standard 4 to 6.

The pupils are very interested and open for God´s word. “Trusted Hands Academy” was also attending the first Rally at Kiratina with 25 pupils. They were presenting a nice drama about Noah. After the Rally the wife of the director thanked me a lot for this nice day. Glory to God!

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Trusted Hand Academy.

20 boys and 22 girls are attending the Club from Standard 4 to Standard 7.

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