Mittwoch, 19. August 2015
First Dundori Bible Club Rally
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:17h
On the 18th of July 2015 there was the first Dundori Bible Club Rally. We were inviting eight schools from my area and five further schools from the region of Nakuru.

The rally took place at the dinning hall of Moi Forces Secundary School. I was making a deal with the principle: I was allowed to use their dinning hall for a rally and on the same afternoon I would come to show a movie to their pupils… therefore she was not charging me anything…

Five schools were coming: Lanet Umoja Primary School, Mereroni Primary School, Mugwathi Primary School, Nakuru East Primary School and Wanyororo Primary School, altogether we were 206 pupils and 10 teachers.
The motto of the day was „Parables of Christ“, because in the last few weeks I was teaching about „Parables of Christ“ in the Bible Clubs. Also I was telling them about a missionary called Hudson Taylor. Therefore now on the rally we were watching the movie about his life.
After the movie there was a time of worship and afterwards the schools were presenting their dramas and songs. There were two trophies to receive: The trophy for the best drama and the trophy for the best song.

It was difficult for the jury to find out who was winning, because every school was performing very well.
After the award ceremony Joseph was making a short devotion.

Then we were thanking the teachers who were willing to come for the rally with their students.

Finally we said Goodbye. Every pupil came with his packed lunch and they ate outside before going home. It was a very nice day!