Mittwoch, 19. August 2015
Movie Afternoon at Moi Forces Secundary School on the 18th of July 2015
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:19h
Direct after the Dundori Rally we were tidying up everything and then I kept my promise to show a Christian movie to the 1100 pupils of Moi Forces.

First we watched the movie „Heart of the Country“. It is a movie about a young woman whose husband went to jail and came free later on. With the help of her sick father she learnt to make peace with God and herself and later to save her marriage.

The young teenage girls were very enthusiastic about the movie and they asked me for a second one. They chose „Sarah’s Choice“. That is a movie about a young lady who got to know that she is pregnant. She gave her life to God and decided not to abort her baby.

After every movie I gave a small spiritual imput and at the end we closed with a prayer.
The deputy told me later on that it was his first time when his students were enjoying Christian movies. He said that almost all students were coming and he asked me to come again on the 10th of October 2015…
The deputy told me later on that it was his first time when his students were enjoying Christian movies. He said that almost all students were coming and he asked me to come again on the 10th of October 2015…