Mittwoch, 19. August 2015
First Kiratina Bible Club Rally on the 25th of July 2015
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:20h
For our Kiratina children the way to go for a rally to Moi Forces was too far. Therefore I was looking for another solution to make a own rally for Kiratina area. Therefore I spoke with the pastor of ACK St. Paul´s which is in the centre of Kiratina and he agreed to give me his church for the rally. On the phone we found out that the pastor became a member of the SU Committee at Nakuru a few weeks ago, but we have never met before… Therefore now we could use his church for free.

I was inviting all nine school from my Kiratina area and four schools came for the rally: Good Morning Academy, Nakuru Teachers Primary School, St. Samuel Faith Primary School and Trusted Hands.

Also the Sunday School children of ACK Kiratina were coming and altogether we have been 200 children and 13 teachers.

Because I have many Mini-Bible-Clubs in Kiratina I chose a motto for all ages: “Noah and His Ark”.
At the beginning of the rally we were watching a cartoon about Noah.
Then Teddy, a young adult from our church, was leading the worship time together with some children.
Afterwards the schools were presenting the drama about Noah and a song about Noah. It was quite funny when we have realized that all of them were presenting the same song in different ways.
The children were very excited. „Good Morning“ were even making a ark out from wood.

A few children of the AIC Kiratina dancing group were coming to present a dance to their classmates.
After the presentation the jury was looking for the winner of the trophy for the best song and the trophy of the best drama.

After the award ceremony I made a short devotion about Noah. I explained that in the time of Noah the only way to get rescued was by entering the ark. And I explained that also we are lost because of our sins and that Jesus is now the only way to get saved.

After a prayer the rally was over. It was a very nice day!