Samstag, 19. September 2015
Bible Club at Lanet Lighthouse Academy
Dani_in_Kenia, 01:19h
On the 16th of October 2015 I got an invitation for a Bible Club at Lanet Lighthouse Academy. The academy is a private nursery, primary and even secondary school at Lanet.

The director has asked me to make a two hours program for the nursery children and the children from Standard 1 to 3.

I was telling them two Bible lessons: Creation and the Story about Adam and Eve and the Sinfall by using Kiswahili language.

Also we were watching an English movie with Christian Action Songs for children.

The children were very excited.

Afterwards on children went to the director to tell her: „It is funny, our Kenyan teachers are teaching us by using English. This white lady was coming to our school to teach us in Kiswahili about God. And for us it was much easier to understand this white lady than are teachers because she was using our local language.“

Glory to the Lord!!! Together with my Kiswahili teacher I am still preparing two Bible Lessons in Kiswahili every week. I take some pictures and make a book out from it and then I am teaching the children in Kiswahili.