Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Evangelistic Service at AIC Naka
Dani_in_Kenia, 20:37h
Our pastor is responsible for three churches: AIC Kiratina, AIC Free Area and AIC Naka.

On the 4th of October 2015 we went together with the new choir for an evangelistic service at AIC Naka.

The church consist of almost 30 children who are living at the orphanage on the same compound and around five adults.

Before the service I was teaching Sundayschool. I was teaching about the Prodigal Son and a picture story about a little sparrow by using Kiswahili.

Some members from AIC Kiratina were joining us.

Robert and the choir were presenting some songs.

An elder from Kiratina was preaching.

After the service we went back home. The church was very thanking for our coming.