Dienstag, 10. November 2015
Prayer Day and Graduation at Cheerful Child Academy
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:13h
On the 6th of November 2015 there was also a prayer day for the KCPE candidates and a graduation for the top class at Cheerful Child Academy. Joseph and I were invited.

Joseph was the master of ceremony.

At the beginning of the programm almost every class was presenting a skit, a drama, a song or a dance.

Everybody did his or her best to make the day as nice as possible for the candidates and graduates.

After a short sermon an invited pastor was praying for God’s blessing for the candidates together with their parents.

Afterwards it was the time for the nursery graduates. They received a certificate for their nursery education and some small gifts.

At the end we had lunch.

It was a very nice morning.