Donnerstag, 19. November 2015
Movies at the Mini-Bible-Clubs
From the 13th of October till the 19th of November 2015 I was visiting the Mini-Bible-Clubs at Kiratina and Dundori

and I was also three nursery schools and one primary school to which I am not going regularly.

Althogether I was in nine Nursery and Primary Schools: Cheerful Child, Echos of Joy, Good Morning Academy, Great Star Academy, Happy Times, Lanet Lighthouse (Nursery till Standard 3), Rohi Academy, Trusted Hands and Tyster.

I was telling the children the story about creation and Adam and Eve in Kiswahili.

After the teaching I was showing them also a cartoon movie about creation and Adam and Eve.

The nursery and primary schools were very happy about by coming and ask me to come again as soon as possible.

Also I took some books from our bookshop and presented a mobile bookshop and I was able to sell some books to the teachers.

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