Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016
Bible Club at Hyrax Primary School
Hyrax is a part of Nakuru which is next to Kiratina. The school includes a nursery school with 45 children in two classes and a primary school for 1280 pupils in 23 classes and 30 teachers.

In 2010 Scripture Union was coming before to Hyray for teaching a Bible Club. But they stopped to come a long time ago.

Since the 17th of June 2015 I have restarted a Bible Club on every Wednesday from 9:20 to 9:45 a.m. for the 177 pupils from Standard 6 and 7.

Die meisten Schüler von Hyrax kommen aus sehr ärmlichen Verhältnissen mit vielen sozialen Konfliktpunkten. Bitte bete ganz besonders für diese Schüler, dass ich in der kurzen Zeit, die ich in ihre Schule komme, ihre Herzen erreichen kann und Gott ihre Wunden heilen kann. Herzlichen Dank.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Hyrax primary School. Since this year the Bible Club takes place every Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. for all three Standard 6. Therefore 88 boys and 99 girls are attending the Club.

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