Sonntag, 10. April 2016
First Dundori Fellowship on the 27th of February 2016
A church member from our church was connecting me to the pastor of AIC Githiro-Ini. This AIC is located direct at the main road to Dundori and in midst of all my Dundori schools. The church agreed to give me the church for free for the Dundori-Fellowship.

Therefore on the 27th of February 2016 we started our first Dundori Fellowship. Like we do at the Kiratina-Fellowship also here we are meeting for one hour for praying for the Bible Clubs, the schools and the Sundayschools at Dundori Area. And afterward I offer a two hours teaching training.

15 people were coming:
• 4 Sundayschool Teachers from AIC Githiro-Ini
• 10 Sundayschool Teachers from other AICs around Dundori area
• 1 teacher from my schools at Dundori

Like at Kiratina Fellowship we prayed first fort he schools at Dundori, then for the churches and Sundayschools at Dundori.

Afterwards I was teaching about „Biblical Basis of Child Evangelism“ and „Repetition Games“.

Finally we played all games together and had a lot of fun. After the closing prayer I was inviting for the next fellowship.

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