Sonntag, 10. April 2016
Bible-Club-Ralley at Kiratina
I was inviting all Kiratina schools for a Bible Club Ralley on the 5th of March 2016 at ACK St. Paul´s. Four schools and some ACK Sunday School children were coming. All together we were 199 children and 6 teachers.

The motto was „Peter- an Apostle of Jesus Christ“.

First we watched a half an hour cartoon movie about the life of Peter.

Then the presentations started.

For the children of Tyster Academy it was the first time and they were presenting some nice songs.

Also it was the first ralley for the pupils of Rohi Academy. They were presenting some nice songs and a funny dance.

Good Morning Academy had prepared a drama about the „Healing of the Lame in front of the temple“ and they were presenting a song about Peter.

The pupils of Nakuru Teachers Primary School were presenting a modern drama about „Ananias and Saphira“. It was very well done!!!

During the presentations we were making some competion games about “Peter – the fisherman”.

Finally the pupils of Rohi got the „Trophy fort he Best Song“ and the pupils of Nakuru Teachers „Trophy for the Best Drama“.

It was a quite amazing morning with lost of fun.

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