Montag, 30. Mai 2016
Third Dundori Fellowship
On the 28th of May 2016 there was the 3. Dundori Fellowship.

7 people were coming:
• 1 Sundayschool Teacher from AIC Githiro-Ini
• 6 Sundayschool Teachers from AIC Lanet

First I gave an overview about the new believers in the last term: During the Preaching-Movie-Counselling program we have reached 978 Nursery Children, 1226 Lower Primary Children, 1990 Children from Standard 4 and 5 and 3264 children from Standard 6 to 8, altogether 8858 children and also 122 Secondary Students. Out from these children 1733 boys and 2079 girls gave their lives to Jesus. All Glory to God!!!

During the Fellowship we prayed for the new believers and also for the Sundayschool children and parents from our churches.

After that I was teaching about „Why shall I use Visual Aids” After that every teacher was making a some puppet for himself or herself either from a sock or out of a toilet paper roll.

We closed the meeting with prayer.

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