Montag, 27. Juni 2016
Fouth Dundori Fellowship
On the 25th of June 2016 there was the 4. Dundori Fellowship.

5 people were coming:
• 2 Sundayschool Teacher from other churches
• 3 Sundayschool Teachers from AIC Lanet and AIC Giachonge

First we shared about our own Sundayschool groups, then we prayed for the Sundayschool children and parents from our churches and for the children in the Dundori schools.

After that I was teaching about „How do I tell a good story?” and “How to begin a story”. The teachers were interested following and also involved in some small assignments. We closed the meeting with prayer.

After the official program we stayed for another two hours and shared our private issues. We had a great time together.

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