Mittwoch, 19. April 2017
Sunday School Teacher Training on the 1st of April 2017
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:02h
On the 1st of April 2017 we had the second Sunday School Teacher Training at Redeemed Gospel Church – Berean Believers Church in Kiratina for 20 teachers from different Redeemed Gospel Churches from our district.

Susan Njogu, the owner of Trusted Hands Academy and Sunday School Chairman for the Redeemed Gospel Churches, welcomed us heartily. After some worship songs her husband, a pastor and director of the school, hold a small devotional.

Then we had a presentation from a Bible Lesson from the first training. After evaluation I spoke about “How do I manage my class”. Then we had a small break with African worship songs.

Afterwards I spoke about Story Telling in General. Then I separate the teachers in four groups and every group had to present a small Bible Story with a puppet. After the evaluation of each presentation everyone got his or her certificate. And finally we had lunch together.

We had a great time together and the further training is scheduled on the 6th of May 2017.