Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2015
Christmas Party with the Teens of our Church
Yesterday nine teens from our church were coming to our home place to prepare Christmas cookies for our Christmas party.

It was the first time fort hem to make Christmas cookies and weh ad a lot of fun.

Today 21 teens were coming for a Christmas Party and we were watching the movie about rapture called „Left Behind“ with Nicolas Cage.

Later on I was asking them: „What about you? Are you ready for Jesus? During the time of rapture are you going to heaven or are you left behind?”

Then we prayed and enjoyed our Christmas cookies and juice.

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Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Teenager and Youth Afternoon with Silvia and Joseph
On the 18th of October 2015 I was inviting the teenager and the youth of our church for a sport afternoon.

Together we were playing football and volleyball.

For this afternoon I was inviting my collegue joseph as a guest speaker. Joseph came together with his girlfriend Silvia.

Together we were singing some songs.

Then Silvia was speaking with the teenagers and Joseph with the Youth about challenges in our life.

Finally we had a small snack: bread and selfmade jam.

It was a very nice afternoon.

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Mittwoch, 23. September 2015
Teens are meeting Youth
In our church there is a teens´ club and the youth is meeting after the Sunday services. But most of the time both groups are totally separated.

On the 20th of September 2015 the teens´ club was inviting the youth for a volleyball match.

Altogether we have been around 20 people. We went to a small hill next to Kiratina and build up our net there.

For the next two hours we had a great time of playing volleyball together.

I hope that in future we can have more of such events in doing something together.

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Samstag, 19. September 2015
Outdoor Game about the Bible
Last Sunday (13.09.2015) I was playing an outdoor game with our teens. It was called “40 Items of the Bible”.

Every group got a Bible. They had to read 40 Bible verses and to bring everything what was mentioned in those verses.

The teens had a lot of fun by looking for the right verses in the Bible. It was amazing to see.

Please pray for our teens that this game was a beginning for them to take and read their Bibles more often and to learn more and more about God. Thank you.

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Montag, 1. Juni 2015
New Teens Club at AIC Kiratina
At the membership meeting of the church somebody said that there is no program for the teens at the church and that nobody is really caring for them.

Yesterday Teddy, a church member, and I spoke together with the youngsters about founding a teens club. Next Sunday we are going to start.

From now on we will meet on every Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the church and we will do a program for and with the teens with worship, Bible study and also some games and funny stuff.

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