Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Ralley at the Orphanage at Naka
Dani_in_Kenia, 20:50h
When we came to the service to AIC Naka, we got to know the children´s home next to the church. There are 28 former street children now living at the orphanage.

On the 20th of October 2015 there was a public holiday in Kenya and therefore Robert had the idea to take the boys from our church at Kiratina to visit the boys in the orphanage and I had the idea of making a rally.

We started with a Sunday School program.

I spoke about the life of Jesus and we were watching the Jesus Movie for children in Kiswahili.

Then there was the time for the first football game.

The day before I prepared the lunch: chapati, meat and cabbage and there we were only boiling rice.

After lunch we made a funny competition after the other.

The children had a lot of fun by playing the games…

We were laughing a lot.

Then we had the second football match.

Also I prepared cake at home and after the game we had cake. It was amazing to see that those children were able to eat eight cakes inside of five minutes. It was amazing!!!

Afterwards we made a good bye circle and Robert brought the children back to Kiratina.

While I was showing a second movie to the orphans. The movie was about an orphan called Johny who was welcomed by his doctor into his family and he was guiding the entire family to God.

During the movie the rain started and the boys was covering themselves with blankets.

We said goodbye and the children were asking us: „When are you going to come again?“

It was a nice day.

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