Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
History of Scripture Union - Child Evangelism
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:09h
In June 1867 a British officer called Josia Spier took his Sunday School Children to a special event in London where an American preacher called Payson Hammond was preaching to the children.

In 1864 Hammond was writing a book: “Jesus, Friend of the Children”. He was explaining how important it is to preach to children in a way that they are able to understand the message. Hundreds of children were attending this event. The service was completely different from anything Spiers had seen before. The children were understanding the message, they were listening carefully and it was also fun.
This way of preaching to the children was really touching the heart of Josua Spiers. From that time on he changed his teaching methods completely. 
This way of preaching to the children was really touching the heart of Josua Spiers. From that time on he changed his teaching methods completely.

On the 2nd of June 1867 Josia Spiers met with 15 children in the drawing room of Thomas ‘Pious’ Hughes’ home at 309 Essex Road, Islington, London. He tried to use the new approach to sharing Christ with children which he saw at the meeting with Hammonds. He was singing with them hymns and chorals and he was telling them stories about Jesus in a way that the children were able to understand his teaching.
He was so exited by himself. His teaching method was so different from the sermons at the churches of that time. The children were also exited and in the next weeks they came again together with their friends. The group was so much growing that on the 17th of November there have been already 50 children. Therefore they were moving to a classroom of a primary school at Islington. 
He was so exited by himself. His teaching method was so different from the sermons at the churches of that time. The children were also exited and in the next weeks they came again together with their friends. The group was so much growing that on the 17th of November there have been already 50 children. Therefore they were moving to a classroom of a primary school at Islington.

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Foundation of the Beach Mission
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:08h
One year later Josia Spier spent his holidays at the beach at North Wales. When he was watching at the crowd of children at the beach he got an idea. He was asking them: “Who will assist me to write something in the sand?” Immediately many children were coming closer. They were exited to see what he would do.
Josiah took a stick and he was writing: “God is love”. After that we was asking the children to collect shells and stones and to fill in his letters. 
Josiah took a stick and he was writing: “God is love”. After that we was asking the children to collect shells and stones and to fill in his letters.

After they were finished, they looked at Josiah. And he started to tell them stories about God and how much he loves us while he was standing at the beach of Llandudno.
Till the end of his holidays he was preaching to the children every day. In the following year he came again and continued. That was the beginning of the Beach Ministry of Scripture Union. 
Till the end of his holidays he was preaching to the children every day. In the following year he came again and continued. That was the beginning of the Beach Ministry of Scripture Union.

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Children´s Special Service Mission (CSSM)
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:07h
Another officer called Tom Bischop was also attending this big event where Hammond was preaching to the children. Also he was touched by the method Hammond was using to evangelize children.
After that event Tom started to make meetings for children by himself at South London. 
After that event Tom started to make meetings for children by himself at South London.

1868 Tom Bischop meet Spiers and they started to work together. In the same year they founded "Children´s Special Service Mission" (CSSM).

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The First Bible Reading Cards
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:06h
Annie Marston was a young and a very motivated Sunday School Teacher at Keswick (North England). She was encouraging her Sunday School children to read the Bible every day.

Therefore every Sunday she was writing a list of Bible verses and she asked the children to read them during the next week. The following Sunday she was discussing those passages with the children and she was answering their questions. After a while more and more children were asking her for this card.

Annie Marston had heard about CSSM (Children’s Special Service Mission) in London and she was asking CSSM to print such a Bible reading card for the children. In the beginning nobody took her desire seriously.
But she asked again and again. Finally CSSM agreed and they were printing a Annual Bible Reading Card for children. The first cards were printed on the 1st of April 1879.
After two years there was a translation of those cards into 28 languages. By 1887 there were 328,000 members in the UK alone and by 1889 there were 470,000 cards printed in 28 languages in many different countries. By 1893 CSSM had distributed 13 million children’s leaflets in fifty languages all around the world.
But she asked again and again. Finally CSSM agreed and they were printing a Annual Bible Reading Card for children. The first cards were printed on the 1st of April 1879.
After two years there was a translation of those cards into 28 languages. By 1887 there were 328,000 members in the UK alone and by 1889 there were 470,000 cards printed in 28 languages in many different countries. By 1893 CSSM had distributed 13 million children’s leaflets in fifty languages all around the world.

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The First Camp
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:05h
1892 two students of the Cambridge university met and they had an idea: They wanted to organize a camp for boys.
They were writing a letter to CSSM: „Our plan is to take as many tents as possible and to invite boys to join a camp. We want to make a nice program with a lot of sports and fun especially for boys. Our idea is that deeds can impress the hearts more than words.” CSSM agreed and the students started the camp.
They were writing a letter to CSSM: „Our plan is to take as many tents as possible and to invite boys to join a camp. We want to make a nice program with a lot of sports and fun especially for boys. Our idea is that deeds can impress the hearts more than words.” CSSM agreed and the students started the camp.

After the camp those students wrote a letter to CSSM: „On the last night some of the most unlikely ones, who had come to camp as a joke, told how they found Christ that week.“

From that time there was one camp after the other till in our days.
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The First Ministry at Schools
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:04h
During the First World War CSSM were printing tracts for the British soldiers and since 1923 they started to publish Bible Reading Plans for adults.
Since the Second World War (1949) CSSM started with a school ministry at primary schools. They were evangelizing the children and preaching the gospel. The commencement of these school groups paved the way for the development of schools ministry in other Movements around the world.
Since the Second World War (1949) CSSM started with a school ministry at primary schools. They were evangelizing the children and preaching the gospel. The commencement of these school groups paved the way for the development of schools ministry in other Movements around the world.

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International Conferences of Scripture Union
Dani_in_Kenia, 18:02h
In 1960 a very important CSSM international conference was held at a centre called ‘Old Jordans’ north of London.
At that time CSSM was working around the world, with a few exceptions, was governed by CSSM in England. There had been notable growth in CSSM throughout the world and a new infrastructure was needed for further growth.
At this meeting six Regions were created with the strong Movements taking responsibility for the establishment and support of CSSM in countries within their respective Region. It was further agreed that each National Movement and Region should have their own governing body.
The Regions were also responsible for maintaining high standards and ensuring the true essence of CSSM was preserved in each new setting.
From that time on CSSM got his new name “Scripture Union”.
The Scripture Union International Council was formed with various representatives from the Regional Councils. It was understood that the International Council would provide guidance and leadership, and would be a means of retaining unity in the Movement.
This co-operative, non-hierarchical model was far ahead of its time and under this new structure Scripture Union grew rapidly around the world.
At that time CSSM was working around the world, with a few exceptions, was governed by CSSM in England. There had been notable growth in CSSM throughout the world and a new infrastructure was needed for further growth.
At this meeting six Regions were created with the strong Movements taking responsibility for the establishment and support of CSSM in countries within their respective Region. It was further agreed that each National Movement and Region should have their own governing body.
The Regions were also responsible for maintaining high standards and ensuring the true essence of CSSM was preserved in each new setting.
From that time on CSSM got his new name “Scripture Union”.
The Scripture Union International Council was formed with various representatives from the Regional Councils. It was understood that the International Council would provide guidance and leadership, and would be a means of retaining unity in the Movement.
This co-operative, non-hierarchical model was far ahead of its time and under this new structure Scripture Union grew rapidly around the world.

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