Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Scripture Union´s Workers
Dani_in_Kenia, 17:54h
Scripture Union Kenya has 20 employees in eight Christian bookshops, 10 at the National Office at Nairobi and 10 fulltime workers for the ministry among children and youngsters.
But the ministry at Kenya is very big. To reach as much children and youngsters as possible with the gospel the fulltime workers need to be supported by voluntaries.
Those voluntaries are trained by the fulltime workers and the fulltime workers overview the whole ministry and support the voluntaries in their ministry.
If you want to become a voluntary with SU, you have to believe in God and also to agree to the faith statement of SU.
Also you have to attend a yearly training for a weekend about:
• How to present a Bible lesson
• How to handle a Bible Club
• Class room management
• How to handle children in general
After this voluntaries are working at Primary and Secondary Schools, at camps and rallies etc.
But the ministry at Kenya is very big. To reach as much children and youngsters as possible with the gospel the fulltime workers need to be supported by voluntaries.
Those voluntaries are trained by the fulltime workers and the fulltime workers overview the whole ministry and support the voluntaries in their ministry.
If you want to become a voluntary with SU, you have to believe in God and also to agree to the faith statement of SU.
Also you have to attend a yearly training for a weekend about:
• How to present a Bible lesson
• How to handle a Bible Club
• Class room management
• How to handle children in general
After this voluntaries are working at Primary and Secondary Schools, at camps and rallies etc.

Voluntaries are taught to teach pupils and others who are younger than them.

Voluntaries are assisting everywhere...
In whole Kenya there are 150 voluntaries who are working with Scripture Union.
... link
...bereits 147 x gelesen