Donnerstag, 19. November 2015
Movies at Bible-Clubs
From the 13th of October to the 19th of November 2015 I was visiting the Bible-Clubs at Kiratina and Dundori and also four primary school to whom I am not going regularly.

Altogether I went to 17 primary schools: Bavuni, Good Morning, Hyrax, Kapkuikui, Kamoronyo, Kianda, Kinari, Lanet Lighthouse (Standard 6-8), Mereroni, Mikeu, Mugwathi, Mwiruti, Nakuru Teachers, Rohi, St. Samuel Faith, St. John and Tabuga.

I offered the schools the following program:

• 1 hour preaching
• 1,5 hours: movie for teenagers
• 1,5 hours: counselling

All schools were very interested in my teaching. I spoke about:

• Am I planned or an accident?
• How do I handle my parents?
• Who and how is my father?
• Set the right priorities in your life
• Who is God?

The background of my teaching was the movie called “Hardflip”. The movie is about a teenager called Caleb shortly before his final examinations at Secondary School. Caleb likes skating. If it would be possible he would skate the entire day to practise for and more new drives on his skate board.

His mum wanted him to concentrate on more important things and to think about his future. Therefore Caleb is anointed about her. But when she became very sick and came to the hospital because of her brain cancer, Caleb got a lot of challenges which he did not know how to handle.

Therefore he started to take drugs and alcohol. But then he met another skater called Brian. Brian believes in Jesus and like Caleb he had a lot of challenges in his life…

The pupils were very interested in the movie which reflected to many challenges from their own lives.

After the movie I offered counselling in two parts:

1. Time to start a new life with Jesus
2. Time for personal counselling and prayer

I was very thankful that some elders from our church were escorting me either in the mornings or in the afternoons and assisted me with the counselling of the boys. We had a nice fellowship.

From school to school we experienced total different things: In some schools there was not even one who wanted counselling, in the next school so many children asked for counselling and personal prayers that I had to come again for counselling.

And in some schools God was doing amazing things and boys and girls gave their lives to Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Glory to God!!!

It was a rough time, but it was a very blessed time. Please pray for those teenagers that they can grow in their new life with God and experience Jesus more and more. Thank you.

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Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Bible Clubs
The Bible Club is a Biblical program at a school. SU is teaching Bible Lessons, Songs and Prayer to the children and youngsters according to their age group and interests. It takes place most likely once a week and is lead by some Bible Club Teachers, voluntaries or fulltime workers.

Most of the school where is a Bible Club are affiliated with SU. They pay a yearly fee about 1000 KES. This fee includes a lot of materials for the Bible Clubs.

One highlight is the “Discover series” of Child Evangelism Fellowship and a teacher´s guide. The teacher gets material to teach the children for three month. After three month there will be a graduation and the pupils will get a certificate.

At the moment there are 50 Bible Clubs at Scripture Union South Rift.

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