Dienstag, 18. August 2015
Bible Club at Mereroni Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:10h
Mereroni is very close to Lanet in a very rural area, but it belongs to Dundori devision.
Mereroni Primary School is over 30 years old. The school includes a nursery with 50 children in three classes and a primary school for 280 pupils in eight classes and 8 teachers.
Mereroni Primary School is over 30 years old. The school includes a nursery with 50 children in three classes and a primary school for 280 pupils in eight classes and 8 teachers.

Since the 5th of June 2015 I am teaching two Bible Clubs at Mereroni Primary School on every Friday morning. The first club is from 8:20 to 8:50 a.m. for the 33 pupils of Standard 8 and the second club is from 8:50 to 9:20 a.m. for the 35 pupils of Standard 7.

The pupils are every open and engaged. They like to share during the Bible Clubs and we have always a very good time together.

Mereroni Primary School was also attending our first Dundori Rally and they won also a prize.

The head teacher wrote about the Bible Clubs: „We appreciate the work done by Daniela. Now looking forward to meet and inspire other main stakeholders i.e. all pupils, teachers and parents.” Glory to God!

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible Club for Standard 8 with 11 boys and 23 girls and the Bible Club for Standard 7 with 20 boys and 22 girls at Mereroni Primary School.
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Bible Club at Wanyororo Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:03h
Wanyororo is a very rural area in the devision of Dundori. Wanyororo Primary School is on the neighbour plot of Kianda Primary School.

Wanyororo Primary School was founded in 1978. Today the school includes a nursery school with 32 children in three classes and 550 pupils in 16 classes and 19 teachers.

On every Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. there is a techer fellowship, but apart from CRE no spiritual program for the pupils.

On the 19th of June 2015 it was my first time to visit Wanyororo Primary School to show the pupils a movie about Jonah.

Since the 2nd of July 2015 I am teaching a Bible Club every Thursday from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. for the 173 pupils from Standard 6 to 8.

Wanyororo Primary School was attending also the Dundori Rally and they got a prize.

The deputy wrote about the Bible Club: „Daniela has been a great help for our school. Keep it up!“ Glory to the Lord!

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Wanyororo Primary School. 153 boys and 201 girls are attending the Club from Standard 4 to 8.
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Bible Club at Tabuga Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:02h
Tabuga Primary School belongs to the devision of Dundori and in the destrict of Nakuru North. It was founded in 1993.
Today the school includes a nursery school with 25 children and a primary school with 685 pupils in 18 classes and 24 teachers.
Today the school includes a nursery school with 25 children and a primary school with 685 pupils in 18 classes and 24 teachers.

Before I came about from CRE there was no Christian meeting for the students and teachers.

Since the 8th of July 2015 I have started a Bible Club for the 418 pupils from Standard 4 to 8. We meet on every Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. on the grass in front of the school.

The children are listening every nicely and are very excited. They like to sing and they like especially the Bible Lessons. It is a great fun to teach those children.

Every week some teachers are joining the Bible Club and they are very interested to learn more about teaching children the word of God. Please pray that a few of them will be willing to assist me by teaching the children. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Tabuga Primary School. 227 boys and 219 girls are attending the Club from Standard 4 to Standard 8.
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Bible Club of Mugwathi Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 15:01h
Mugwathi is next to Bavuni. Both primary schools are next to each other and belong to the devision of Dundori.
Mugwathi Primary School is over 30 years old. The school includes a nursery with 47 children in three classes and a primary school with 635 pupils in 16 classes and 19 teachers.
Mugwathi Primary School is over 30 years old. The school includes a nursery with 47 children in three classes and a primary school with 635 pupils in 16 classes and 19 teachers.

A few years ago Peter and Joseph came several times for a Bible Club. But they have stopped to come a long time ago. Now there is a new head teacher and there were many changes in the school.

The new head teachers asked me to start a new Bible Club and he gave me two teachers for assistance.

All four of us had a meeting and be spke abour the problems the children at Mugwathi are facing.
Mugwathi is a rural area. Most of the people are famers and the family is very important for them. But there are many single mothers who have a lot of problems to care for the family. The father is missing and that is a great challenge for the families. Especially for the teenage boys it is a great problem because they take over the responsibility for the children by being still children.
Mugwathi is a rural area. Most of the people are famers and the family is very important for them. But there are many single mothers who have a lot of problems to care for the family. The father is missing and that is a great challenge for the families. Especially for the teenage boys it is a great problem because they take over the responsibility for the children by being still children.

We agreed that in the Bible Club we will start to speak about „God – my father“, because this theme is a challenge for many of them.
The teachers wanted to separated the students in three groups: One teacher is now making a Bible Club for Standard 4 and 5, another teacher for Standard 6 and I am making a Bible Club for the 162 pupils for Standard 7 and 8.
The teachers wanted to separated the students in three groups: One teacher is now making a Bible Club for Standard 4 and 5, another teacher for Standard 6 and I am making a Bible Club for the 162 pupils for Standard 7 and 8.

The two teachers ask me for assistance. Therefore I am preparing for them material for teaching the children.

We started to teach the 434 children from the 23rd of June 2015 and every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The two teacher are meeting with the students in a classroom and we are sitting outside on a grass in front of the school.

The students know a lot about the Bible but only a few know that God wants to have a personal relationship with him. By using the Wordless Book and other materials I try to explain them again and again that God wants to be our father.

Please pray for the pupils for this school who are growing up without a father. Pray that they may see that God will care for them always and that he loves them a lot. Thank you.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Mugwathi Primary School. 79 boys and 83 girls are attending the Club from Standard 7 and 8.
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Samstag, 15. August 2015
Bible-Club at „Mikeu“ Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 19:05h
„Mikeu“ Primary School is in midst of the centre of Dundori. It was founded in 1957. It is one of the oldest schools in the devision of Dundori.

The school includes a nursery school with 68 children in two classes and a primary school with 939 pupils in 24 classes and 26 teachers.

Till now there was no Christian meeting apart from the CRE. But the headteacher is very interested to make a Bible Club for the children and also a fellowship for the teachers. Therefore he was inviting me to found a Bible Club in his school.

On the 30th of June 2015 I have started to come every Tuesday to Mikeu for two Bible Clubs. From 8:20 to 8:50 a.m. I am teaching a Bible Club for the 362 pupils from Standard 6 to 8 and from 8:50 to 9:20 a.m. I am teaching a Bible Club for the 267 pupils from Standard 4 and 5.

The head teacher said: „I am sorry I am not able to give you also Standard 1 to 3 because they don´t understand enough English and Kiswahili. You should have to teach in Kikuyu. But you are not able… but I am very happy that you are speaking to all others who are able to understand your English.”

Therefore now I am so happy that I can reach inside of one hour 629 children with the gospel every week!!! What a great opportunity!!!

The pupils of Standard 6 to 8 are very excited about God´s word. The younger ones are still excited that a white person is coming to teach them. Please pray that very soon they are able to accept me not longer as a visitor but as their teacher. That they will be able to listen to my teaching also. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the two Bible-Clubs at Mikeu Primary School. The first club is for the 189 boys and 180 girls from Standard 6 to 8 and the second Bible Club is for the 116 boys and 127 girls from Standard 4 and 5.
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Bible-Club at Kianda Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 19:03h
Kianda is a village on the countryside which is in the devision of Dondori. Kianda Primary School is on the neighbour plot of Wanyororo Primary School.

The Primary School was founded in 1993. It includes a nursery school with 33 children in three classes and a primary school with 560 pupils in 16 classes and 19 teachers.

Every Monday there is a teacher fellowship. For the students there was no spiritual program apart from CRE.

Since the 2nd of July 2015 I am coming on every Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. for Standard 6 and 7. Every week when I am coming the 127 pupils – 74 boys and 53 girls – are waiting for me under some trees on the school compound.

The head teacher gave me two teachers who are responsible for the Bible Club. Please pray that they are willing to be motivated to help me more and more with the Bible Club.

The pupils of Kianda like to sing a lot and they like to listen to my Bible teaching. Some are even caring their Gideon Bibles to the club and when I am quoting from the Bible they are following the verses in their own Bibles. I am very happy about that.

In July 2015 we came to the school to show the children the Jesus movie and gave Gideon Bibles to the children. Please pray that the pupils are reading their Bibles and start to believe in Jesus. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Kianda Primary School. 69 boys and 71 girls are attending the Club from Standard 6 and 7.
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Bible-Club at Ithagani Primary
Dani_in_Kenia, 19:02h
Ithagani is a countryside village on the way to Dundori. Ithagani Primary was founded in 1990. The people next to Ithagani are very poor and also the school has some financial problems. In the past there was a sponsor who was building a lot. Now this need to be repaired but the money is missing and the parents of the pupils are too poor to help here.

The school includes a nursery school with 38 children in three classes and a primary school with 247 pupils in eight classes and 10 teachers.

Every Wednesday at lunchtime the teachers have a fellowship. For the pupils there was a PPI which was taught by the teachers, but no Bible Club.
Since the 24th of June 2015 I am now teaching a Bible Club on every Tuesday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for Standard 4 to 8. 152 children: 75 boys and 77 girls are coming to the club.
Since the 24th of June 2015 I am now teaching a Bible Club on every Tuesday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for Standard 4 to 8. 152 children: 75 boys and 77 girls are coming to the club.

We are meeting in the classroom of Standard 8 and the children are willing to delay their lunch because of the Bible Club…
The classroom is very small and half of the children are standing during the club. But they don´t care because they are very excited about the program.
The classroom is very small and half of the children are standing during the club. But they don´t care because they are very excited about the program.

Every day when I am coming the head teacher is welcoming me personally and the students are waiting for me. That makes me very happy.

The head teacher wrote: “The Bible Club has been received with a lot of pleasure. It has come to boast the spiritual welfare of our learners.” Glory to God!

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Ithagani Primary School. 79 boys and 84 girls are attending the Club from Standard 4 to 8.
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Bible Club at Bavuni Primary School
Dani_in_Kenia, 19:01h
Bavuni Primary School was founded in 1935. it is one of the oldest schools in our area and belongs to the devision of Dundori.

The schools includes a nursery school woth 12 children and a primary school with 512 pupils and 16 teachers.

Before the school had a Bible Club which started in 2010 and continued up to 2013. But it has not been very active. The idea of that Bible Club was to build the character of the children.
Since the 23rd of June 2015 I am teaching now a Bible club on every Tuesday from 2:45 till 3:45 p.m. for the pupils from Standard 7 and 8.
Since the 23rd of June 2015 I am teaching now a Bible club on every Tuesday from 2:45 till 3:45 p.m. for the pupils from Standard 7 and 8.

The head teacher is very interested to revive the Bible Club and he is supporting me as much as he is possible. I am very thankful for the good fellowship I had with the teachers. The teachers were telling me that the behaviour of the students have changed since I am teaching them.
Please pray for the pupils that they will be open for God´s word and that they will give their lives to Jesus. Thanks a lot.
Please pray for the pupils that they will be open for God´s word and that they will give their lives to Jesus. Thanks a lot.

Bavuni is a very poor area on the countryside. Most of the people there are farmers. Family is very important for the people there. But in this area there are many single mothers who are suffering a lot for their families. For those children it is a great challenge to live without a father. Especially for the teenage boys it is a great challenge.

Therefore in the last weeks I spoke about „God is my father” to help them to handle this challenge. Please pray specially for these young people that they start to believe in God. Thanks a lot.

Also in 2016 I will teach the Bible-Club at Bavuni Primary School. 69 boys and 79 girls are attending the Club from Standard 7 and 8.
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