Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015
Camp for Children and Teens at Kitui from 8th till the 11th of December 2015
Together with four children from our church I went by car on Monday to Kitui. We slept at a house of a SU committee member and the camp started on Tuesday afternoon with 33 children and teens.

Every morning the youngsters were jogging and after dressing we met for a morning devotional.

The motto of the camp was „Arise and Shine“, therefore all the devotionals were about “Christian Lifestyle”, “Jesus is our light” and “Choose Jesus to shine”.

After breakfast we had Bible lessons in two groups: Reverend John was teaching the children in the age of 8 to 12 years, and I taught the teens from 13 to 16 years.

The first day we spoke about “Arise with Abram”, the second day “Come to shine like David” and the third day “Come to Light with Jesus”.

After teabreak the main speaker Martin spoke about „Peer Pressure“ and „True and False prophets“.

After lunch was game time. We played volleyball, football, ropes and some adventure games.

After lunch we had a „Candle Night“ (Games about “lights“), a Talent Show and a Movie Evening and we ended the evening with a devotion and a prayer.

Most of the children and teens never met before, but already on the first afternoon while playing together we had a nice fellowship.

During the Biblical program parts everybody was listening very carefully. On the last day we offered some counselling and two teenagers came to Christ and another one restarted his life with Jesus.

Also as a team we had a very good fellowship and already we are planning for further camps in 2016.

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Donnerstag, 13. November 2014
Camps for Children and Youth
Most of the camps take place in the December holidays for a longer weekend (3 to 4 days) for children from Standard 4 till Form IV.

In most of the cases the location is a local boarding school and the school cooks are preparing the food for the children and youngsters. For a camp 50 to 60 children are invited. 10 to 12 teachers are responsible for the program, guidance of the pupils and for counselling.

The Program of a camp:

• Morning Devotionals
• Bible Lessons in different age groups
• In the afternoon: games and activities
• In the evenings: Christian movies and a talent night

Scripture Union South Rift has five camps each year.

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