Mittwoch, 19. August 2015
Jesus Movie and Distribution of Bibles
From the 16th to the 24th of July we went to 20 schools to show the students a movie about Jesus and to spread out New Testaments for them. Because my colleague Joseph is a member of Gideon International we were able to get the Bibles.

On the 16th of July 2016 Joseph, Wilson and I want to Ithagani Primary School, Mwiruti Primary School, Mikeu Primary School and Kinari Primary School. On this day we distributed 1349 New Testaments and every school got some full Bibles for the offices.

In the week from 21st till 24th of July 2015 Wilson and I went alone. On Tuesday we went to Wanyororo Primary School, Kianda Primary School, Bavuni Primary School and Mugwathi Primary School. We gave 1527 New Testaments to the pupils and every school got five full Bibles.

On Wednesday we went to Lanet Primary School and three further schools at Kiratina: Good Morning Academy, St. Samuel Faith Primary School and Trusted Hands Academy. We were distributingh 884 New Testaments and every school got full Bibles for their offices.

On Thursday we went to another schools at Kiratina: Nakuru Teachers Primary School, Hyrax Primary School and St. John Primary School and also to Lanet Umoja Primary School. On this day we were distributing the most Bibles: 3206 New Testaments and every school got five full Bibles for their offices.

Friday was our last day. We went to Mereroni Primary School, Tabuga Primary School, Kamoronyo Primary School and Nakuru East Primary School and gave 1414 New Testaments to the pupils and 22 full Bibles to their offices.

In this week every pupil who is attending my Bible-Clubs and is also a pupil from Standard 4 to 8 received his or her own New Testament and also some students from our neighbourhood.

Altogether we spread out 8390 New Testaments and 96 full Bibles!!!

At every school we tried to squeeze to many pupils as possible in one classroom. We removed first all the tables, chairs and desks and asked the children to sit down on the floor. In one school more than 500 were so able to see the Jesus Movie whiling sitting down on the floor.

But the students did not care. They were happy to see the Jesus movie and they understand why we were squeezing them.

At the end of the Jesus movie there was a prayer in which you can give your life to Jesus. Before this prayer I have stopped the movie and I explained them the whole story of salvation in brief and I was inviting them to give now their lives to Jesus. Almost all of the pupils were then praying this prayer together.

Please pray that the movie was touching the hearts of those children and that they are willing now to believe in Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Please pray also that they may use their new Bibles to learn more and more about Jesus. Thanks a lot.

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Samstag, 27. Juni 2015
Jesus-Movie and 1500 Bibles
During the time when I was alone in Germany, Robert was living for a few weeks at Subukia. There he got to know the principle of a Secundary School. On the 8th of June this principle was inviting us to Subukia to show the Jesus-Movie to two Primary and two Secundary Schools and to spread out Gideon-Bibles to the pupils.

First we went to „Subukia Day Secondary School“. The youngsters were very happy about our visit. After we showed them the Jesus Movie and gave them the Bibles, two school speakers were coming to us to say: Thank you!

From there we went to „Subukia Primary School“. While Joseph and Robert showed the Jesus-Movie to the pupils from Standard 4 to 8,

I was making a program outside fort he lower primary.

These little ones were very excited when I was singing some songs in English and Kiswahili by using the guitar. Then I was telling them to Stories in Kiswahili.

From there we went to „Kaptarakwa Primary School“. While Robert and Joseph prepared everything for the movie, I was singing some English worship songs with the pupils from Standard 4 to 8. Then they were watching the movie.

During the movie I was again making a program for the lower primary. We were sitting outside under some trees. One teacher was very excited about the action songs in English and Kiswahili. Also here I was telling the children two Bible stories in Kiswahili.

Finally we went to „Wei Secundary School“. Because the school has a very big roof in front of the building Robert and Joseph decided to show the movie outside. While the pupils were watching the movie, we were eating our packed lunch.

After the movie Silvia and I gave the Gideon Bibles to all the students while the men were tiding up the technique.

On this day 1500 pupils were watching the Jesus-Movie and received a New Testament.

Please pray that those children and youngsters will read their Bible and start to believe in Jesus. Thank you.

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Montag, 13. April 2015
Evangelistic Outreach at Olgilgei
On the 6th of March 2015 we went with a small team to Olgilgei. Robert was living here for six weeks while I was in Germany.

First we went to Tachasis Secondary School. We showed the pupils the Jesus movie and gave Gideon Bibles to them.

Then we showed the same movie to Standard 4 to 8 of the Tachasis Primary school. After the movie we gave them New Testaments also and a small booklet with Bible stories and riddles.

At the same time I went to Standard 1 to 3 and made a program for them. We were singing some songs and I told them a Bible Story and the story about “The Little Sparrow”.

Then we let Tachasis and went to Wei Primary School. The children and teachers were very exited about the Jesus movie and they were happy to receive the Bibles and riddle booklets.

From Tachasis we went to Cynningham Memorial Academy, that is a private primary school. Also here everybody were happy to see the Jesus Movie and to receive the Bibles and the small booklets.

Fast 3000 Schüler sahen an diesem Tag den Jesusfilm und bekamen Gideonbibeln. Bitte betet mit, dass der Same, den wir an diesem Tag ausstreuen durften, in den Herzen der Kinder aufgeht.

Among the children there were also some children from Muslim families. Please pray especially for those children that they will not get problems when they will come home and that the seed of the Gospel will grow in their hearts. Thanks a lot.

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