Donnerstag, 19. November 2015
Movies at the Mini-Bible-Clubs
From the 13th of October till the 19th of November 2015 I was visiting the Mini-Bible-Clubs at Kiratina and Dundori

and I was also three nursery schools and one primary school to which I am not going regularly.

Althogether I was in nine Nursery and Primary Schools: Cheerful Child, Echos of Joy, Good Morning Academy, Great Star Academy, Happy Times, Lanet Lighthouse (Nursery till Standard 3), Rohi Academy, Trusted Hands and Tyster.

I was telling the children the story about creation and Adam and Eve in Kiswahili.

After the teaching I was showing them also a cartoon movie about creation and Adam and Eve.

The nursery and primary schools were very happy about by coming and ask me to come again as soon as possible.

Also I took some books from our bookshop and presented a mobile bookshop and I was able to sell some books to the teachers.

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Samstag, 15. August 2015
I was the one creating the name „Mini-Bible-Club“. A Mini-Bible-Club is a Biblical program for nursery children and lower primary children.

Here is Kiratina and Dundori most of the children are coming from different tribes. Therefore in most of the nursery schools and in the classes of the lower primary schools the teachers are using Kiswahili. Therefore even me I am teaching the Mini-Bible-Club in Kiswahili.

Sometimes a Mini-Bible-Club is 30 minutes, sometimes even one hour depending from each school.

In the beginning of each Mini-Bible-Club I am singing some action songs in English and Kiswahili. I started to teach about creation and the following Bible stories.

After the Bible lesson we are learning a memory verse. I try to teach the verse by using actions to make the memorizing easier.

If the Mini-Bible-Club takes place for one hour, I am repeating the Bible Lesson by asking questions to the children.

After two further songs I am telling the children also a Christian story. The children like those Christian stories a lot because those stories are teaching Christian values about other children and explain more about living as a Christian.

At the end of a Mini-Bible-Club we are praying and we are speaking the blessing together.

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