Montag, 11. April 2016
Evangelistic Outreach Program at Schools
Dani_in_Kenia, 00:09h
From the 29th of February to the 8th of April 2016 we went for an evangelistic outreach program to 17 schools.

I was writing “we” because during the Dundori Fellowship I met Isaak. One day he sent me a message: “May I join you in the school today?” And I picked him from his own place. The next day this cousin Frank joined us, too. Therefore since the 8th of March 2016 we were travelling together from school to school.

I am very happy about these two young men and their support. Isaak was assisting me in teaching nursery and lower primary.

Either him or Frank was translating the English movie for the children from Nursery to Standard 4 in Kiswahili, so that they were able to understand the movie better.

We went to eight schools in Dundori: Baraka Primary School, Excel Grasland Academy, Kamoronyo Primary School, Kianda Primary School, Lanet Umoja Primary School, Mereroni Primary School, Mwiruti Primary School, St. Francis Upperhill Secundary School and Tabuga Primary School.

We were visiting seven schools at Kiratina: Good Morning Academy, Nakuru Teachers Primary School, Rohi Academy, Rurii Primary School, Trusted Hands Academy and Tyster Academy.

And we went to two schools at Nakuru East: Echoes of Joy and Lion Hill Academy.

We had a program for the entire school. First we offered a program for children from Nursery to Standard 3. We were teaching them the Easter story in Kiswahili and we were showing them an half an hour English cartoon movie about Easter.

Some schools preferred the creation story instead of the Easter. Then we showed them a movie about creation.

978 Nursery Children and 2616 children from Standard 1 to 3 were attending this program.

After that we offered a program for Standard 4 and 5. I was telling them a lesson about the life of Jesus. By teaching the so called “Bridge Lesson” I was explaining them that Jesus was dying for our sins on the cross. He is the bridge to God.

1990 pupils from Standard 4 and 5 were attending this program. Out from them 1746 children started to believe in Jesus. That are 85.8 % !!! Glory to God!!!

Finally we offered a program for Standard 6 to 8 and also for Secondary Schools. According to Christian Action Movie called “Grace Card” I taught about the “Challenges – We face as Teenagers”… “How to I handle people who I don’t like” … and “What is Grace?” and “How do I get Grace?” and we offered counselling.

3265 pupils from Standard 6 to 8 and 122 Secundary Students were attending the program and 1980 teenager from Standard 6 to 8, that are 60.6 % , and 86 Secondary Students, that are 70.5 %, started a new life with Jesus. Glory to God!!!

For me it was so amazing - and still it is amazing to me - to witness how God was touching the heart of so many children and teenagers… and when I am counting the numbers for my SU reports I am really overwhelmed!!!!

Last term when I showed the movies also many children started a new life with God. But I don’t know how many of them “started now fresh again” or how many are “new converters”…

But I wanted to be sure if everybody understood me and therefore I was asking them: “Why did you not leave for break? What do you want me to do for you now?”

And the children and teenagers answered: “We want to believe in Jesus. Pray, that Jesus can forgive our sins…” And all of them were able to explain me what is sin… Therefore now I am sure that they understood what we were doing…

Because I did not want any group pressure I gave them time to ask God individually for forgiveness for their sins… and some children and teenagers were praying for almost five minutes … some even cried…

In 9 schools I am able to do the follow up work by myself when I will come for the Bible Clubs next term… In the other 8 schools I am depending on the assistances of the teachers…

Please pray especially for those children who started a new life with Jesus that they are able to grow in the faith and one day become mature men and women in Christ!!! That is so IMPORTANT!!! Thank you.

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Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Movie Afternoon at Moi Forces
Dani_in_Kenia, 20:43h
On the 10th of October 2015 I went to a Secondary School called Moi Forces Academy for a movie presentation for the 1100 pupils.

This time was was showing them a movie about an Amish lady who get to know that she was adopted. Now she started to look for her biological mum. After a long time she finally found her and they forgave each other…

The girls were very happy about this movie and asked me to come back soon.

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Mittwoch, 19. August 2015
Movie Afternoon at Moi Forces Secundary School on the 18th of July 2015
Dani_in_Kenia, 14:19h
Direct after the Dundori Rally we were tidying up everything and then I kept my promise to show a Christian movie to the 1100 pupils of Moi Forces.

First we watched the movie „Heart of the Country“. It is a movie about a young woman whose husband went to jail and came free later on. With the help of her sick father she learnt to make peace with God and herself and later to save her marriage.

The young teenage girls were very enthusiastic about the movie and they asked me for a second one. They chose „Sarah’s Choice“. That is a movie about a young lady who got to know that she is pregnant. She gave her life to God and decided not to abort her baby.

After every movie I gave a small spiritual imput and at the end we closed with a prayer.
The deputy told me later on that it was his first time when his students were enjoying Christian movies. He said that almost all students were coming and he asked me to come again on the 10th of October 2015…
The deputy told me later on that it was his first time when his students were enjoying Christian movies. He said that almost all students were coming and he asked me to come again on the 10th of October 2015…

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