Dienstag, 10. November 2015
Prayer Day and Graduation at Cheerful Child Academy
On the 6th of November 2015 there was also a prayer day for the KCPE candidates and a graduation for the top class at Cheerful Child Academy. Joseph and I were invited.

Joseph was the master of ceremony.

At the beginning of the programm almost every class was presenting a skit, a drama, a song or a dance.

Everybody did his or her best to make the day as nice as possible for the candidates and graduates.

Am  6. November 2015 fand auch in der Cheerful Child Academy ein Gebetstag für die Prüflingen der Grundschule  und Abschlussfest für Kindergartenkinder statt.On the 6th of November 2015 there was also a prayer day for the KCPE candidates and a graduation for the top class at Cheerful Child academy.

After a short sermon an invited pastor was praying for God’s blessing for the candidates together with their parents.

Afterwards it was the time for the nursery graduates. They received a certificate for their nursery education and some small gifts.

At the end we had lunch.

It was a very nice morning.

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Prayer Day and Graduation at Lanet Lighthouse Academy
On the 6th of November 2015 there was a prayer day for the KCPE candidates and a graduation for the top class at Lanet Lighthouse Academy.

From the 10th to the 12th of November 2015 there is the KCPE (Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education), that is a final primary examination for all students in Standard 8. To encourage the students in most of the schools there is a prayer day for the candidates. On this day there is a pastor coming to pray with the students and their parents for God´s blessing for this final examination.

The prayerday of the Lanet Lighthouse Academy took place on the 6th of November 2015.

Most of the primary school like Lighthouse have also a nursery school. And they take the opportunity to use this prayer day also as a day for the nursery children to graduate after three years of nursery education.

The director of the school are me to open a Scripture Union (SU) bookshop on this day for the parents and children. But because I had an invitation for an other prayer day I asked Gideon for help.

Gideon is working at the SU bookshop at Nakuru. We met and I helped him to arrange the bookshop.

While I went to another school, Gideon was selling some books and he was making advertising for our bookshop in Nakuru town. He spoke with many parents and teachers.

After I finished, I went to pick Gideon and brought him back to the bookshop in town. We had a very nice fellowship.

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