Samstag, 16. Mai 2015
Teacher Training for Teen-Teachers
On the 9th of May 2015 we had a Teacher Training for Teens Teacher at ACK St. Christopher´s. 45 people were attending the seminary.

John came with some books while Joseph and Simon were doing the registration.

At 9 a.m. John was welcoming everybody. After a prayer we were singing some worship songs to which I played the guitar.

John asked everybody for a short introducing. Then he hold a short devotion. He was encouraging the teachers for their ministry among teens by reminding them on their call from God.

The main speaker on this day was Moses. He spoke about “the place of teenagers in the church”.

Between brakes Joseph was doing some funny games.

After lunch Joseph spoke about „Characteristics of a teens´ teacher”.

Moses next topic was „Making church Teen friendly“

At the end everybody got a certificate and a small manual from Moses with many practical hints and sermons for teens.

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Montag, 27. April 2015
Teacher Training for Voluntaries at Nakuru
on the 25th of April 2015 there was a teacher training for voluntaries at Nakuru. Many voluntaries are teaching at Bible Clubs and Sunday schools. 16 voluntaries were coming.

After the welcoming Joseph was making a devotional. After that he showed us the importance of our teaching. Because in the four years the children are attending the Bible Club we are impressing the children for their future lives.

Then he spoke about a structure of a lesson and the qualities of a good teaching.

After a coffee break Simon was leading a discussion about our practical work experiences.

Then Mose started to teach. Mose is working as a counsellor at a hospital at Nakuru. He spoke about the practical issues of a good teacher: How can I evaluate my ministry? What is really important?

After lunch we spoke about the challenges of our children and how we are able to help them the best. You could really realize that Mose is a good counsellor. Because his whole way of teaching was filled with counselling.

Afterwards Simon showed us different materials and he asked me to explain a evangelistic teaching aid similar like the wordless book.

Finally we went for a tea break and shared about the whole morning. It was a very nice morning.

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Montag, 13. April 2015
Sunday School Teacher Training at Nakuru
On the 9th of March 2015 there was a Sunday School teacher training at the ACK at Nakuru. The churches of whole Nakuru were invited for this meeting.

116 Sunday School teachers were coming.

First Joseph was welcoming the teachers.

After that Mose was preaching about the importance of being a good teacher.

Then Festus was introducing the ministry of the „Leadership Institutes“.

Joseph asked me to teach some songs.

Then John spoke about the risks of children in Kenia.

Then Mike Obuyai was dancing with us under the motto „Praise Objects“.

After the lunch every teacher got material for his Sunday School class and Joseph explained the right use of it.

Then he spoke about “the four temperaments”.

It was a very nice day.

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