Sonntag, 10. April 2016
Second Kiratina-Fellowship
On the 19th of March 2016 there was the 2. Kiratina Fellowship. On that day we had three visitors:

1. Daniel Karanu – the Vice Director of SU Kenya
2. Gideon from the SU bookshop at Nakuru town
3. Marion from Hamburg

12 people were coming:
• 2 interested people from pour church
• 9 teachers from my schools
• 1 Sundayschool Teachers from an other AIC

In the beginning we prayed fort he schools, churches and all Sundayschool groups at Kiratina.

Then Daniel did a devotion and he was encouraging the teachers to continue their ministry among the children.

Then I was teaching about „How do I handle my class?“ The teachers were very interested and listened were carefully.

After a closing prayer we were sharing a lot while Gideon was presenting the books from the bookshop.

Martina was coming from Germany to visit me. For almost one week she was escorting me during my entire ministry and she assisted a lot even with tidying up everything.

The whole morning we had a very nice fellowship.

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First Kiratina Fellowship
In November 2015 I went from school to school to show Christian movies. During that time two teachers asked me: “Dani, you are doing so much for our children, When do you have for us as teachers? We would like to pray with you and we want you to train us.”

I was seriously praying about this request. Then I asked in our church if I am allowed to use our church one Saturday in a month for a fellowship and the elders agreed.

On the 13th of February 2016 we went for the first Kiratina-Fellowship.

14 people were coming:
• 2 interested people from pour church
• 2 teachers from my schools
• 8 Sundayschool Teachers from other AICs
• 2 Sundayschool Teachers from other churches.

First we were singing some songs. Then we prayed for the 10 schools in Kiratina where I am teaching Bible Clubs.

After a short break I was teaching about „Biblical Basis for Child Evangelism” and about “Repetition Games”.

Finally we played all those games and had a lot of fun. After a closing prayer I was inviting everybody for the next fellowship.

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